I've described Dotard in many ways,

incl vain, arrogant,unqualified, vile and a Pathological Liar, BUT, I've never called him stupid.
That would be his FOXNews minions.
Just by definition, half the country is 'less than average' when it comes to intelligence, and it's OBVIOUS where he gets his support.
It's sure not from the high education/income states. Those are ALL BLUE.

The Orange Clown's MAIN support comes from the 'Base' of the Repub party, the Bible Belt South, where they KNOW the Dems wanna come and 'take their guns'.
I'm sure they are SO proud, as they visit the Noah's Ark Museum before sending their children to be locked up, and pay X-spurts, to 'Pray Away the Gay'.
And you wonder how we got the Liar in Chief in the White House?


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