Am reading more of 'Silk Road'

a historical novel based in the 1200's as the Popes (Catholic Church) tortured (terribly) and killed all the 'heretics' (logical rational people) throughout Europe, taking all their lands and wealth, if they didn't 'convert' soon enough.
AND, they sent many of the remaining landowners/royalty on Crusades to take the 'Holy Land', and then confiscated their property when they didn't return, getting most of the valuable property in Europe, one way or another.
Just part of the reason that the Vatican, (Christian Church), is BY FAR, the richest 'business' in the world.
Their total rule was called the Dark Ages, for a reason.

Again, nothing against spirituality, but The church of Christ has been hijacked along the way, many times....
Esp in the Dark Ages, as the Church took over the wealth (and faith) of the world.
BTW, the Dominicans were the 'Chief Torturers' and handsomely rewarded by the Pope/church.


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