Here's a short check-list

to see if you are Dem or Pub.

It's OK to support an 'unlimited' military budget,
It's OK to support assault weapons for the masses.
It's OK if you don't care if the Prez LIES constantly.
It's OK to support Russia over the FBI
It's OK for the prez to cheat on his wife, multiple times
It's OK for his buddies to 'buy off' those women, then LIE about it
It's OK to go bankrupt at least SIX times, then be US prez
It's OK to believe a NY billionaire can relate to the common worker
It's OK to believe a confirmed heathen, like The Donald, is a Christian
It's OK for US prez NOT to release tax returns.
It's OK for prez campaign and family to meet with Russians during campaign, then LIE about it
It's OK to LIE, thousands of times, as prez, with most lies being OBVIOUS!
It's OK to believe FOX instead of 'real' (95%) news.
It's OK to jail people for smoking pot
It's OK for US prez to say, 'Screw you' to the rest of the world
It's OK for US prez to brag about penis size
It's OK for US prez to spend MOST of the morning getting hair/make-up done
It's OK to believe GW and The Dick didn't LIE us into the Iraq War
It's OK to say you are ' Like, Really smart and a stable genius'
It's OK to think Noahs Ark and Garden of Eden are 'real'
It's OK to think 'science' is a Liberal Plot, like Climate Change
It's OK to sell US Wilderness Areas to Big Oil
It's OK to believe the Liar in Chief is gonna Drain the Swamp
It's OK for the prez to brag about 'Grabbing 'em by the Pussy'
It's OK to think the world should kiss your ass, cuz you are a white, American Christian
It's OK to think Congress isn't 'owned' by the NRA, after Billions in donations
It's OK for the current prez to 'renig' on former US agreements (NAFTA, TPP, Iran treaty)
It's OK to appeal to the 'uneducated' (Trump's favorites), over the 'educated'
It's OK to believe Pubs pay more taxes than Dems, AND.

It's OK to believe ABC,CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, BBC, Reuters, almost ALL US newspapers, ALL Late Night TV hosts, nearly all college professors, Hollywood directors and actors, 2/3 of the US population, 98+% of the world's news agencies, the upper half of earners in the US and 99% of all US scientists and every one of the US intel agencies are ALL LYING, while Sean and Rush, employed by the Repub 'news'/propaganda agency are the ONLY ones telling the truth about the Pathological Liar in the White House.

OK, I admit, if you believe ANY of that crap you are a hopelessly gullible sheep, better known as a Republican, and enjoy wiggling your ears, to tickle your colon.
SURPRISE! Who da thunk?
This just in: Congrats to me, after over ten years, over ten thousand posts and over a million 'hits'.
FamGuy now has over 1000 international readers, PER DAY, plus those in the US.

AND, I could sell ads, (more than paying for my beer each month), but I don't, cuz that would make me like FOX, and that's not why I do this, after ten years, exposing FOX/Pubs, (one and the same) LIES. that gave us Donald Trump, pathological LIAR, as prez of the US.
Congratulations Roger Ailes and HYPOCRITICAL Evangelicals, you did it.


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