What a difference a day makes...

Yesterday it was70 degrees, 'golfing in shorts' weather, and today it's snowing, with a high in the teens.
Makes those Mexican 'sunny beaches' seem FAR away and long ago.

On this snowy afternoon, as I finish watching (the recorded) '60 Minutes' focus group, (with 7 Dems /7 Pubs, and Oprah as moderator), I can agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but NOT their own facts.

One fallacy of the Pubs, is that THEY pay the Dems' bills, which is TOTALLY wrong. Look it up any way you want, Red vs Blue, educated vs NOT) which states PAY more taxes and which receive more benefits. EVERYTHING proves the (science believing) Dems pay more of the bills. WITHOUT A DOUBT. Look at who owns the most profitable companies.

The other main fallacy of the Pubs is that the economy is doing good cuz of Trump.
True, in a minor way. His tax cuts, which the Pubs would NEVER allow the Dems to do, definitely helped, although it's just pushing the bills off, to be paid by our kids and BLOWING UP the YUUUGE national debt, for instant gratification (and votes), PLUS, the rest of the (non-Dotard) world has done BETTER than the US, during the same time frame.

Those are FACTS, not opinions, and blow a YUUUGE hole in the Pubs main argument that anything the Liar in Chief does is OK, cuz he is such a great businessman (6 bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits), and he's helping our country's economy.


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