There was a sad tragedy while I was in Mexico

I was wearing my 'Keep the Mexicans, Deport Trump' button and it was water damaged, 
BUT, I will have a new one by the time I go back to the beautiful beaches.
It is especially helpful when checking in, to get the best room available, AND the waiters and bartenders seem to appreciate it, as well as 95% of the guests.
There WAS one dumbshit(R) who wore a MAGA hat for a little while, but probably got tired of everyone flipping him off and getting urine-flavored drinks....
If it's possible, I think Canadians hate Dotard even more than sane Americans, according to our northern neighbors who love to party, and can't understand (like most Americans) how we got the Orange Clown in the White House.. I tried to explain FOXNews and how they were safe, cuz it is ILLEGAL to knowingly broadcast LIES in Canada, unlike the US, where lying is Big Business, and there's an unholy alliance between FOX and the Evangelicals, who can easily be herded to the ballot box to vote for a True Christian, like the Orange Clown.


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