When you're a World Class Liar, like the Liar in Chief,

it's hard to find anyone comparable, who can spin your lies to the clueless, gullible masses who believe, or pretend to swallow your crap.
SOOO, the White House just lost their 4th spokesperson, as the rats desert the ship, before they are indicted, SO Hope Hicks decided to 'spend more time with her family', maybe on the same island as Sean Spicer.
The joke perpetrated on the American people just gets WORSE..... as FOX spins the news to make it palatable for the sheep.
BTW, word is that Dotard was just nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Really?
And if you believe that, you probably believe he's not a pathological LIAR supported by a bunch of gullible FOXSheep. HA!


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