As long as the Pubs can pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep,

the Bullshit Mountain minions can be distracted about the TRUE MEANING of the FBI's actions, concerning Dotard's good buddy, Roger Stone, and his interactions with a BUNCH of Russians.
You ever notice the Pubs don't DENY that Stone met with the Russians, MANY times, OR that the Liar in Chief's close friend was ALREADY on the FBI's screen, for questionable dealing with Russian banks and politicians?
OF COURSE NOT, cuz they have no case. Roger Stone, the Orange Clown's henchman was and IS, guilty as charged, BUT, FOXLies can easily distract the sheep by saying, 'Those naughty FBI people cheated', by taking over an investigation begun by Jeb Bush, then paid for by Hillary, and that's as far as the colon-encased, FOXSheep minds can go.
Bad FBI! Poor Donald!
The fact that Roger Stone, Trump's buddy, had MANY meetings, over several years, incl during the campaign, is lost the Bullshit Mountain Brainiacs, and/or they 'just don"t care'.
Same old shit. Throw up a dust screen and the sheep will wander aimlessly in it, sure of only one thing.
It's HILLARY'S fault!


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