There's a reason

the Olympics are held 4 years apart.
We record it, and watch the events we want, without commercials (I can't imagine watching it LIVE, with commercials), spending hours on the couch, in the recliner, getting up only to eat, drink and go to the bathroom.
Still. we are HOURS behind all the fun events. Got into CURLING today, which I thought could NEVER be interesting, but was, while we missed skiing, skating, hockey, etc.
PLUS, we recorded a YUUUGE  number of shows, incl Kimmel, Colbert, Gold Rush etc. while we were on vacation.
I'm thinking I may never leave this recliner, cuz we haven't seen the new NetFlix, Amazon, or AMC movies.
SO SAD and insane but kinda true.
OMG! How do people with a JOB and normal responsibilities even survive?
Am SUCH a couch potato, but don't wanna miss anything....


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