Today's question for the rightwingnuts, SERIOUSLY

Will your boy, the Liar in chief, will be in MORE trouble if he tells the TRUTH, (for a change), to Robert Mueller, OR, if he LIES, like usual?
Really. Which would be worse, for the lying SOB?
Either way, Dotard goes to jail, SO, his lawyers will NEVER let the Liar in Chief testify.
Hmmmm, I wonder why????
How stoopid do you have to be, not to see what is SOO obvious to those who value truth, while pretending that the Orange Clown isn't part of the Russian plan?
Are you REALLY that stooopid, or just pretend to be, to fit in with your rightwingnut, FOXNews friends, who don't give a shit about reality?
Why would an innocent person REFUSE to testify, and clear his name?
HA! What a joke....


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