Just one question for the rightwingnuts who defend the Orange Clown

against the Russian manipulation that put him in office. It was a total of 80,000 votes spread over three states.
How many meetings did the Trumpies have with the Russians?
They claimed zero, BUT, when you start adding up all his campaign people, relatives, lawyers etc, it is a YUUUGE number, BUT, the Liar in Chief claims no collusion. BULLSHIT!
The Russians put 'Their Boy' in the White House and it's paying off, as Doatard ignores the sanctions voted on by over 99% of Congress, and the Orange Clown claims 'fake news', and his gullible minions swallow his crap, over the opinions of ALL the US Intel agencies.
Nothing new here, but sickening just the same, as we live with Putin's choice for US prez, the vain, arrogant, unqualified LYING son of a bitch, multiply bankrupted/divorced clown, chosen by Russia.
Show me where I'm wrong, rightwingnut, Evangelical hypocrites, as you claim to follow Jesus, and support the exact OPPOSITE of everything he preached, cuz he has (R) after his name.
TOTAL HYPOCRITES, and I'm sick of it.


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