When you hear about Russia meddling in the US Prez election,

which president comes to mind? Maybe the one who had a YUUUGE number of his campaign committee meet with the Russians, then deny the meetings, until it was proven they were LYING?
Maybe the prez whose own sons said they got the MAJORITY of their company funding from Russia, after US lending sources dried up?
Maybe the prez whose campaign chairman, Paul Manafort is under indictment for not disclosing financial dealings with the Russians?
Maybe the son who met with the Russians to get 'dirt' on Hillary, then said he was discussing 'adoptions', until he was forced to tell the truth?
Nope, if you are a loyal FOXSheep, the guilty prez is Obama!
Yup, Bullshit Mountain claims it is Obama's fault, cuz the first Trump/Russia connections/meetings took place during HIS administration, and THAT will be his legacy.
Here's a peek inside FOX 'news?'
Liz Peek: Obama’s legacy will be that he allowed Russia to ‘sow discord’ in the US
And you wonder WHY FOXSheep are so ignorant/clueless?
They actually swallow this kind of crap......


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