Some REALITY, for the fact-starved sheep,

who get their 'news' from FOX, and are therefore clueless when it comes to who PAYS taxes and who SPENDS them.
Yup, the Blue States are BY FAR the biggest tax payers, and Pub-controlled Washington blows that money like 'gas' after a three burrito dinner at Taco Bell, while claiming to be 'fiscally responsible'.
And the ignorant sheep swallow the LIES, cuz they get their news from the Bozos of Bullshit Mountain, instead of reading/understand actual charts and graphs, that show GHWBush blew up the budget, then Clinton fixed it and handed off a budget 'in the black' to GW, who totally wrecked us, and Obama inherited a $1 Trillion deficit, but took it down EVERY YEAR, to under $500 Bil, which Trump(R) promptly increased to over a Trillion.
And this doesn't even count the Jack-Hole's big Dictator-Style Military Parade.

Re: “GOP no longer deficit hawks?” Feb. 10 news story.
The Denver Post stated accurately that the last time the U.S. budget deficit was over $1 trillion was during President Barack Obama’s first term. In Obama’s first year, he inherited an economy that was in a free-fall crash that threatened a worldwide depression and required dramatic government interventions, including massive spending to prevent banks and some big corporations from failing. As the economy stabilized and grew, the deficits decreased, so that by 2015 the deficit had fallen to $438 billion. This Republican administration and Congress inherited a 2016 deficit of $585 billion, yet only one year later voted for a budget that is projected to result in an annual deficit of more than $1 trillion.
A deficit increase from $585 billion to more than $1 trillion! And the U.S. is not in a recession. This fiscal irresponsibility is mind-boggling and frightening for our future.
John Bradford, Lakewood


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