Just when he was beginning to edge a bit higher

cuz people got a tax-cut raise (that their kids will pay for), the Orange Clown crashed back down to his 'Historical' low ratings.
Yup, he still has the Bullshit Mountain Minions, who would give a thumbs up to Jeffrey Dahmer if he had (R) after his name and FOX and Friends slobbered over him, but the thinking public, who gets 'real' news instead of the propaganda from Roger Ailes most successful diversionary program, FOXCrap, still hates him and his hostile takeover of morality and common sense in the US, with the help of his Bible Belt Brainiacs, for whom 'Science' is a dirty word.
Oh yeah, and there's the rest of the world, who looks at the US and says,
'WTF is WRONG with you?'
Despite Trump’s bullish take on his performance,
the president’s approval rating fell five points over
last month to 35 percent, according to a survey
conducted by polling firm SSRS. That number
matches the lowest rating of his presidency in
A separate poll by USA Today and Suffolk
University’s Political Research Center found
similar results, with the president’s approval
rating also slipping to match the lowest point
that survey has found at 38 percent, with 60
percent disapproving of the job he’s doing.
BTW, just pointing out news that the sheep,
who live in the FOXNews 'Bubble', will
never hear.....


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