In his continual NEED for applause and acceptance


Trump Regurgitates Fox News Narrative in Morning Twitter Rant

the Liar in Chief spends most of his day where he is SURE to get it, with his nose up the asses of the clowns on Bullshit Mountain.
Yup, this morning he listened to their crap, then regurgitated it to the sheep who believe the same swill, in an early morning (on the crapper) Tweet Storm.
Yup, Russia is a 'witch hunt', (never mind US intel and his closest associates being caught in SO MANY LIES about their Russian connections) and the DOJ oughta go after Hillary instead of the Russians and those who helped them steal the election.
And the worst part?
The moronic minions swallow the BS and ask for more.
OMG, how long do we have to put up with this bullshit????

BTW, heard a great line in a song on the radio this morning that made me think of the FOXNews crowd, with their double digit IQ's.
'Only the stupid people are breeding'. How true.....


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