
Showing posts from April, 2018

Wow, we just saw the first salvo in the case against the Liar in Chief

by special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He obviously already knows the answers and is just hoping that Dotard will LIE, like he always does. That's obstruction of justice, or worse. We can only hope the Orange Clown will 'wing it' and get wrapped up in his LIES, like he always does., OR he might screw up and accidentally tell the truth, (See FOX and Friends, Stormy Daniels edition). Bottom line, as I've always said, 'Be patient', and now we see the noose tightening around the LYING SOB in the White House, made possible by the clueless, gullible, FOXSheep/Evangelicals. We know that the minions don't give a shit about his LIES, but the vast majority of US citizens do. Screw the sheep and the Liar in Chief. Hang him high....

As much as I hate the Orange Liar in Chief

I gotta give him a little credit, as he exposed the jerks(R) for the HYPOCRITES they are. AND, it gives me a good, defensible  reason to ignore those same jerks(R) in my life. Who needs the crap they represent? Anyone who can look at the Liar in Chief and say, 'Yup, that's my man', is no one I want any contact with.' Bottom line, ignorance may or may not be contagious, but I don't wanna take a chance. Life's too short to waste it with idiots.

OK, I'm gonna make lemonade outta lemons

and instead of bitchin' about the ignorant Trump supporters, I just want their addresses. I can make a FORTUNE, selling them magic beans. Anyone who swallows his crap, AND believes a literal Bible, with Noah, Jonah, the child eating bears and a talking snake is not gonna doubt my magic means. The only question is if these brainiacs have any money. Probably not. GUARANTEED to grow up to the giant's castle, where they can steal his gold. Foolproof, once I get their addresses. If they believe Trump's bullshit and 2000 year old fables, selling magic beans to the gullible minions will be NO PROBLEM. I'm gonna be RICH!

Hey rightwingnuts, look at the 'real' news

that report Chief of Staff John Kelly called the Liar in Chief an 'idiot', many times, in front of several witnesses Who da thunk? Sorta like Rex Tillerson called him a 'fucking moron', which Rex NEVER denied. Wow, who can't see this? Oh yeah, the sheep, who'd support Dotard even if he 'shot someone in Times Square'. Never mind,  logic/rationality doesn't work with those morons. Same old Repub bullshit, that gave us GW and The Dick, two wars and the worst recession since the Big D. Don't you just love those idiots? Neither do I....

Wow, who da thunk?

Chief of Staff John Kelly called the Liar in Chief, 'an IDIOT', several times. Just like SO many of the White House staffers, and Rex Tillerson , who called him a 'fucking moron'. Bottom line, 'Does this surprise ANYONE, other than the gullible sheep? Same old shit from the Repub White House, where the Chief of Staff admits Dotard is an IDIOT. And Kelly is a Repub..... Nothing new here, as those who know him best, admit the Orange Clown is a total Bozo. Who didn't know this? Oh yeah, the sheep.... Officials said Kelly portrays himself to Trump administration aides as the lone bulwark against catastrophe, curbing the erratic urges of a president who has a questionable grasp on policy issues and the functions of government. He has referred to Trump as "an idiot" multiple times to underscore his point, according to four officials who say they've witnessed the comments. BTW, the Liar in Chief answered the 'multiple' allegations, by ...

'The Deep State', a rightwingnut 'Bestseller'

claims the FBI, CIA, NSA and the Justice Dept are ALL involved in a PLOT against the Liar in Chief. Hmmmm, remember when the Pubs were FOR all these 'Law and Order' organizations, instead of a PROVEN LIAR and former NYC conman who hijacked the Repub party? Back when Cabinet appointments needed to be QUALIFIED, instead of just AGAINST the agency they head. Back when you couldn't be asked to head the VA, just cuz you lied about the weight (239 lbs MY ASS!) and genes (live to be 200) of the prez? Try to remember, nutjobs. It wasn't that long ago. Back in the days before LYING from the presidential podium became a common, accepted (among the Repub sheep, anyway) occurrence, and sex scandals. And the constant 'Cabinet Shuffle' wasn't daily news. And the Prez's lawyer didn't need a lawyer, cuz he paid off bimbos (by mortgaging his house) and DIDN'T EVEN TELL his boss? Can you remember that far back, whackjobs? And, IF you are dumb enough to be...

Dotard is famous for his Whoppers, but, the Liar in Chief was in rare form

last Saturday, as he spoke to his double digit IQ crowd of uninformed, gullible minions in MI. Here's some lowlights in an evening of bullshit from the Orange Clown. Read 'em all and then tell me the Pussy Grabber isn't a LYING sack o' shit. "We have the worst laws anywhere in the world." Really? "We don't have borders." Ditto  "The Democrats don't care about our military. They don't. They don't care about our borders or crime." OMG! "We are doing things that are good." Keeping lawyers employed. "Whatever happens, happens." Nuclear destruction? Putin said, 'Trump is killing us." SOOO funny... "The only collusion is the Democrats colluding with the Russians" WTF?  "They did that to Admiral Jackson. They are doing it for a lot of people." Telling the truth!  "They don't have sources. The sources don't exist." Bullshit! "You reme...

Let's pretend the Wash Post is off, by 90%

and the Liar in Chief ONLY told 240 LIES, (which isn't even close, cuz he's lied WAY more than that),BUT, his gullible minions don't give a shit. Why? Good article to explain it, as the total HYPOCRITES (Pubs/Evangelicals) hold Comey, Hillary and the Dems to a completely different standard , as they scream about little falsehoods (Comey hasn't even done that, and the 'leaks' aren't/weren't leaks cuz the material WASN'T classified), while giving the lying SOB in the White House a pass on everything. In his first 400 days in office, President Trump made more than 2,400 false or misleading claims,  according to The Washington Post . Yet a recent Gallup poll shows his approval ratings among Republicans  at 82 percent . How do we square these two facts? Some supporters no doubt believe many of the falsehoods. Others may recognize the claims as falsehoods but tolerate them as a side effect of an off-the-cuff rhetorical style they admire. Or perhaps ...

The irony is unescapable,

as the worst LIAR in the history of US politics, calls James Comey and others, liars. AND, he makes a big deal about Fake News, when he LOVES to speak on FOXNews, the worst liars/propaganda artists of all time, where he NEVER gets anything but adulation and softball questions. And, the most UNChristian candidate of all time was/is a favorite of the Evangelicals, proving what total Hypocrites they are. He has broken, no SHATTERED, most of the Ten Commandments but the sheep have No Problem, cuz he's a Pub and he PRETENDS to be one of them, to get their votes. His favorite book is the Bible? OMG! Straight out of the Karl Rove playbook, where those who LITERALLY believe the Bible aren't gonna be hard to fool. Can you imagine if Obama did ONE TENTH of the crap the pussy grabber has done? Anyway, not sure if the sheep know the meaning of a complicated word like IRONIC, but look it up, and compare the lying, arrogant, heathen to your Christian ideals and see if you can keep from...

As I said before, I wasn't impressed with Michelle Wolf

and her 'comedy' at the WHCD, when she had such a YUUUUGE amount of material to work with. There are SO many people that could have done SO much better, BUT, I have no sympathy for Sarah Hunkameat. Whoever CHOOSES to defend a LYING jerk like the Orange Clown, and gets paid Big Money to do it, deserves all the crap that can be thrown at them. She stands there,day after day, catapulting the propaganda and bullshit from the Liar in Chief who just makes it up as he goes along, demeaning the highest office in the country as he lies CONSTANTLY, and appoints some of the worst, unqualified people available to yuuuge, important positions, and fires those who dare stand up to his crap. I agree Michelle wasn't all that funny, which is a shame, cuz the WHCD is a perfect venue to 'let 'em have it', but Lyin' Sarah is fair game and if she doesn't like it, too bad..... I, and many others, don't like what SHE says.

Wow, just saw highlights of Dotards speech in MI

If you can listen to that pile of lies and bullshit without thinking WTF, as that fat, vain, arrogant blowhard shoveled crap to the uninformed, you are obviously a clueless FOXSheep who lost contact with reality long ago. Nothing new here, but OMG! Have you heard of fact checking?

Just watched the new 60 Minutes,

and saw the 'revolutionary' concept of farming kelp and mussels on ropes, impregnated and sunk in the ocean, with an anchor on the bottom and a buoy on the top. No fertilizer or 'watering' like most crops. Drop it in and come back to harvest a few month later. What a concept! New in the US, but we saw it in the Adriatic, where it's been done for decades, when we visited last year. Took pics and loved the meals. Great new way to 'farm' the ocean. I'm sure the Pub farm lobby is gonna try to KILL it, like Big Oil(R) attacks wind and solar energy. It's who they and what they do. Some things never change....

Dotard didn't attend his 'Roast' cuz he's a thin-skinned jerk(R),

but that didn't stop him from critiquing it, during his morning combination dump/Tweet. Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump While Washington, Michigan, was a big success, Washington, D.C., just didn’t work. Everyone is talking about the fact that the White House Correspondents Dinner was a very big, boring bust...the so-called comedian really “bombed.” Apparently he didn't like the jokes at his expense, or didn't understand them. I hate to agree with the Orange Clown, but, after reading her jokes, it seems Michelle Wolfe wasn't all that funny, which is a shame considering all the material she had to work with. Wolf began her monologue with an opening shot: “Like  a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a  Trump, let’s get this over with.” She continued her verbal assault. “I know as much as  some of you might want me to, it’s 2018 and I’m a  woman so you cannot shut me up…unless you have  Michael Cohen wire me $...

Just in case anyone had forgotten,

what an unqualified, arrogant a-hole he is, the Liar in Chief reminded us all, last night, as he skipped the Correspondent's Dinner (celebrating the First Amendment), like last year, (the only president in modern history to do so), and attended a campaign style rally in MI, surrounded by his clueless, gullible cheering minions, where he rambled for over 80 minutes, tossing red meat talking points to the crowd who'd vote for Jeffry Dahmer if he had (R) after his name, and threatened to 'shut down the govt' if he didn't get funding for his wall, which he promised 'Mexico would pay for', on his LIE-filled campaign, as he took American politics to a depth never known outside a third world, dictator-run banana republic. WASHINGTON, Michigan, April 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to shut down the federal government in September if Congress did not provide more funding to build a wall on the border with Mexico. "We c...

Most of the people on the 'tours' we travel with hate the Liar in Chief

as much as we do, and the majority did on this latest one, BUT, we had some Dallas and Indiana people who were obviously fans of the Orange Clown. SO, we sorta avoided the subject, which is usually a way to BOND with fellow travelers, and the locals (esp overseas). Only a third, or so, of Americans actually like Dotard, (ignoring all his LIES) and very few of them 'travel', preferring to sit on their asses, watching FOX and swallowing the propaganda that 'it's DANGEROUS out there'. FOXSheep. What a joke.....

Dotard is claiming that Comey is

'Very sick or very dumb'. Oh really? Methinks the DUMB one is the Liar in Chief, who earlier claimed, 'I know words, I have the best words, I'm like really smart, a stable genius'. The ONLY way he's smart is the way he cons those gullible/clueless enough to believe his crap. He also claimed Comey leaked 'classified' information. Bullshit. President Donald Trump claimed a memo that former FBI Director James Comey gave to a friend “in order to get a special counsel against me” was “all classified … totally classified.”  That’s wrong . It was unclassified at the time and remains unclassified. BUT, does one more LIE on the YUUUUGE mountain of LIES matter to his minions? Of course not. Dotard can say/do ANYTHING,cuz he has (R) after his name. Just like he claimed for MONTHS that he knew NOTHING about Stormy Daniels, then he 'accidentally' told the truth while preaching to the choir on Bullshit Mountain, and said Cohen had represented hi...

Trump and his henchmen claim 'Denuclearization'

but Jong Un, after over 8 hours of talks said, NOTHING about scrapping his nukes, OR, any kind of inspection. Yup, the 'Art of the Deal' clown has ZERO concrete assurances after claiming a YUUUUGE victory. Same old shit from the Liar in Chief, as he FINALLY admitted to paying hush money to professional sex worker Stormy Daniels, after denying EVERYTHING, for months. Maybe he's a LIAR? Who da thunk? EVERYONE but the clueless/gullible sheep, who swallow FOXCrap, like it's a chocolate malt. Nothing new here, but funny just the same....

Remember when GW and The Dick(R) lied us into the Iraq War

and totally wrecked the US economy? Yup, so do the teachers in Colorado, who now make LESS, than they did before the Pubs WRECKED our financial system, AND, cuz of Tabor Law, (a Pub program for the RICH) here in Colorado, they can't be paid until taxes are raised. AND cuz of Grover Norquist (R-asshole), they can't get a 'raise', and have to work 3 jobs to survive, cuz, EDUCATION=DEMOCRAT, and the Pubs don't wanna pay teachers, for OBVIOUS reasons. Bottom line, Pubs give BILLIONS in tax breaks to the one per cent, while sticking teachers with ZERO raises for over a decade. And you wonder WHY I hate em? Bottom line, if you are a millionaire, I totally understand why you vote Pub. If you're NOT, then you are just a FOXNews sheep, who doesn't have a clue, as you vote against your own interests, cuz Bullshit Mountain touts the YUUUGE tax break that is NOTHING compared to the 1%'er give away. Nothing new here, as the clueless/gullible sheep support the ...

Just returned, from a great trip

My BFF and I flew into Jacksonville, FL, spent a night near The Landing, on the river, and joined a Gate One tour group of 22 fellow travelers and had a guided tour that included St Augustine, oldest settlement in the US, (very interesting) and spent the next day exploring Jeckyll Island, vacation home of the Rockefellers and 50 other WAY RICH, spoiled rotten vacationers who escaped the riff raff during the East Coast winter. Like all the other destinations, toured the grounds and homes with very informed local guides and sampled the local seafood. Then it was on to Savannah, (home of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil), which was our favorite, with a tram tour, sporadic torrential rains, and an amazing history that incl Civil War AND Revolutionary tales. Again, fantastic food, incl BBQ and shrimp. On the way to Savannah was Beaufort, (over 20 movies filmed there, incl The Notebook and much of Forrest Gump), and a horse drawn carriage tour with a knowledgable local guide and...

Wow, the Liar in Chief FINALLY admitted

that he was represented by by Michael Cohen in a case against Stormy Daniels. WHAT? The LYING sack o' shit had said he knew NOTHING about Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen paying her, and his ignorant, gullible minions swallowed his crap like ALWAYS. Ooooops, Dotard finally admitted the truth for LIE number??????........... 3000? What kind of morally bankrupt moron(R) could support this pathological LIAR, who has made lying a MAJOR part of his daily bullshit. BTW, his nominee for head of the VA had his chance today, to respond to all the 'LIES?' (HA) against him, but withdrew instead. Who da thunk this unqualified 'Trump Brown Noser' (239 pounds MY ASS) would bail out? 'Only the BEST' people.... What a JOKE, as he continues to nominate those who kiss his ass and FIRES those who don't, no matter what qualifications they have.

Wow, a Pub who told the truth?

Yup, as disgusting as it is... He made  a Kinsley gaffe : Mulvaney told the truth. Describing the behavior of himself and his staff during his years in Congress, Mulvaney said: “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” Lovely, eh? “It is hard to decide what is the worse thing here, Mulvaney’s(R) pay-to-play operation , his shamelessness in bragging about it or Republicans’ utter indifference to it.” Same old shit from the Pubs, BUT, this one admits it and the rest just wink. Welcome to the swamp(R).

This pretty much says it all..

The Democratic Party on Friday sued President  Donald Trump' s presidential campaign, the  Russian  government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election. The multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that "In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in this effort" to mount "a brazen attack on American Democracy." The suit says that "preexisting relationships with Russia and Russian oligarchs" with Trump and Trump associates "provided fertile ground for [the] Russia-Trump conspiracy." The common purpose of the scheme, according to the Democratic National Committee, was to "bolster Trump and denigrate the Democratic Party nominee,"  Hillary Clinton , while boosting the candidate of Trump, "whose policies would benefit the Kremlin." Let's just hope they can PROVE, what 2/3 of us KNOW.

The FOXLies 'typical hit piece' says,

Key lawmakers say Comey's memos show 'terrible' judgment, political bias BUT, it's just the same old Repubs who are always bitchin' about the Dems. and on Bullshit Mountain this is MAJOR HEADLINE worthy. In a damning statement  written by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said the same old partisan crap. Blah blah blah... And, while most of the nation groans, 'Oh NO, not Rudy Giuliani again... FOX leads with the headline.  'Rudy to the Rescue!' The clowns aren't known as FOX-PARP for nothin'...

James Comey said, in a nutshell, what we ALL know,

friends and foes alike. The President is a LIAR, and it stains those around him, who have to pretend he's not. Comey went on to say that Trump had a "corrosive" and "staining" effect on his employees, and the nation as a whole. "I think the way in which he acts, especially his corrosive effect on norms — truth-telling being the most important of them — has that staining effect on institutions and people who are close to them.

As we have major fires (two of top ten ever) burning in Colorado, at the BEGINNING of fire season,

cuz of Climate Change, which dumbass Pubs deny. Other Pub policies, (Grover Norquist and Galagher(R)),  have fire fighters getting their budgets cut by over 10%, as conditions get worse, during unprecedented (since the Dust Bowl) drought. Thank you , dogmatic jerks(R). IF ONLY those fires could be burning YOUR homes... . Yup, international readers, we are burning in Colorado, cuz of Climate Change, (global warming), which the Pubs deny, while Dotard guts the EPA (Pruitt) and kills wind/solar power in favor of Big Oil, (which is SOOO Repub), while he supports COAL, cuz his dumbass voters in the Rust Belt won't be educated or relocated. Some things never change, (when the Pubs are in charge), and we ALL pay for it. Esp as Colorado burns, in drought conditions, while firefighter budgets are cut, and climate change (97% of Climatologists agree) is DENIED by the 'head up their ass' Pubs. IF ONLY their(R) houses could burn, there would be justice in our world, but don...

After being turned down by the best

legal minds and firms in the business, (at least 12, cuz they had morals, didn't want the bad publicity, AND, were afraid of being 'stiffed' on the bill) Dotard FINALLY found someone who'd join in him his fight against justice . Yup, slimy sleazeballs stick together, SOOO, publicity whore Rudy Giuiliani is joining one of the largest work forces in the country. Trump's legal team. It will be interesting to so see how Rudy works '9-11' into every sentence when dealing with the Liar in Chief's problems, as he does with EVERYTHING! What a crew. Dotard and Giuliani..... The WORST of NYC.

In keeping with their policy of

'The LEAST qualified in the HIGHEST positions', (from the prez on down), the Repub Senate confirmed a climate change denier, with ZERO scientific background/credentials, to lead NASA WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and a climate change 'denier', to lead NASA. This, while Scott Pruitt, who is doing his best to destroy the EPA, was the target of a new investigation, after he took his YUUUUGE (24/7) private security detail to Disneyland and college football and basketball games, as well as 'on vacation' across Europe. EPA inspector general opens new probe into Pruitt's travels

Good cartoon in the Denver Post this morning,

showing lines of people at a James Comey book signing, and they're all wearing either a t-shirt supporting either Hillary or Trump, and Comey is saying to his assistant, 'No one wants to buy a book, they're all just glaring at me'. So true. A pariah to both sides, as he tries to soothe a guilty conscience. At least he's not a blatant LIAR, like the D-bag who fired him.

With all the latest focus on James Comey and his book,

showing what a lying sleazeball we have for prez, I had kinda forgotten Comey is probably the MAIN reason we have the Orange Clown in the White House, with Russia being a close second. But Stephen Colbert hasn't, and he grilled the former head of the FBI when he was a guest on his show. I thought Mr Comey was gonna be treated like some kind of a hero, for exposing the prez in his new book, but Colbert's main focus was, 'Why the hell did portray the private server as SO dangerous when it wasn't, and WHY did open an investigation on the emails 11 days before the election, when you had just as much, or MORE bad info on Trump and the Russians?' Basically, Comey's answer was always the same, and kinda lame. 'We all thought Hillary was gonna win, and I was covering my ass'. Bottom line Comey screwed up, now feels terrible about it and is doing his best to cleanse his conscience and make a bunch of money for his mistakes, which gave us Dotard as prez. One ...

Wow, I'm sure glad Dotard made THAT clear...

Trump: US will punish Russia with sanctions 'as soon as they very much deserve it' The lying SOB then went on to say, No one has been tougher on Russia, than Donald Trump', as the A-hole AGAIN refused to impose sanctions on the Russians (saving them BILLIONS) who infiltrated our election and installed the Orange Clown in the White House, AND are supporting the Killer in Chief in Syria. BUT, at least they haven't released the hooker videos, SO, it's working for Dotard and Vladimir...

Wow, if politicians could only be as clever, intelligent

and well loved as Barbara Bush. Great lady, who I always liked. RIP...

After bitchin' and compalinin' against Obamacare for YEARS

the jerks(R) finally got control of all three houses of the govt (temporarily), SOO look out Obamacare.... GOP Spending Against Obamacare Plummets In 2018 Elections Republicans have largely given up on health care as a campaign issue. Wow, you mean the Pubs are just full of crap? YUP!

Funny email from Kari to Tori


Great day on the golf course

with good friends, green chili and beer after.... Heard Dotard had to get an extension for filing taxes, (in case he decides to pay any this year), cuz his accountants can't decide if $130,000 is a business expense. AND, check out this time travel video to when Donald was a baby. Special, and really funny.

After Dotard AGAIN refused to place sanctions on Russia,

his staff of paid, professional LIARS decided to blame the flip flop in Nikki Haley, who announced the sanctions in the first place, BUT, the UN delegate wasn't laying down for the LYING jerks(R). A consensus emerged Tuesday at the White House and Mar-a-Lago about how to clean up the administration's suddenly muddled plans to crack down on Russia: Blame  Nikki Haley . A White House official said Kudlow apologized to Haley for saying that she might have been confused. "With all due respect, I don't get confused," she said in a statement obtained by CNN's Jake Tapper. BTW, who thought the Russian Stooge, Donald J Trump, was gonna impose sanctions on the country who installed him and has video? Only the clueless sheep, who are ALWAYS 'confused'.

Well, they're. doing it AGAIN

 Yup, FOXNews has started a smear campaign against the judge in the Michael Cohen case, saying she was 'adored' by Bill Clinton. (WTF?), in their typical 'shoot the messenger' campaign. Yup, these shameless jerks(R) at FOX, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party are doing the 'same old shit'. Just like they are smearing Repubs Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller, they are now beating the drums against the lawyer in Cohen's case. I get SO SICK of these a-holes and their crap, even against fellow Pubs.... “Now she has power over the lawyer who works for the man who beat Bill’s wife in the 2016 election,” he tweeted. “WHERE’S THE THE RECUSAL?” 

Saw a list of Life Hacks on a website,

and I agreed with some of them, but I think one of the MAIN ones, (to keep your sanity), is to separate yourself from the 'clueless' in your life. Saves tension and brain cells. Life's too short to argue with the idiots.

Welcome to MY( buddled) world, GOP jerks(R)

dealing with 'your boy'. Republicans Befuddled By Trump’s Abrupt Reversal On New Russia Sanctions “That’s just not a good signal to Moscow or any of our adversaries or allies,” one senator said. WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump ’s sudden decision not to impose tough new sanctions on Russia left many lawmakers dumbfounded this week. WHAT? You thought he'd dump on the country that installed him, and has videos? AND, in other shocking news, from the network where lying/bullshit is a virtue. FOX News pledges full  support of TV host Hannity And WHO would think THIS is a good look?

Cuz it's Sr Tuesday, ($5 movies), we saw 'A Quiet Place'

BUT, the scariest part was the ride to and from the theater. We had over 80 mph winds today (still over 60) and had to drive around trees blown over, blocking the road, lots of fences down, shingles blown off, etc. Had a fairly large branch hit the car, but no real damage. Insane winds that have done a LOT of damage, incl blowing over a bunch of semis on the highways. One of our neighbors had a 30' Blue Spruce blow down. Carol thought the movie was really scary, and it had some good parts, but had too many, 'oh, that's bullshit' moments for me. Whenever I started to get into it, there was an illogical part that got me thinking, and seeing cameramen and mics behind the scene. OK movie, but could have been better, with some editing and reality checks. I think Carol is still afraid to make a noise.....

Love to quote my favoriate 'smart guy' who said

I know words, I have the best words I'm like really smart, A stable genius. Well, here's some of his Best Words. Yup, a true genius.... James Comey, a man who always ends up badly and out of whack (he is not smart!), will go down as the WORST FBI Director in history, by far!" Trump tweeted.

As I've said before'

all the late night talk shows are liberal, cuz all the talent and interesting guests are liberals. Except for the comedy that airs as a 'news' show on FOX. BUT, can you imagine a conservative late night show? Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Gene Simmons would have to take turns doing the music, and deep interviews with Scott Baio and Gary Bussey would get kinda old. Sure, there are a couple other possible guests, but they are obviously not real intelligent and therefor not all that interesting. BUT, I'd love to see some brave rightwingnut commentator try to enter the fray, and present the 'other' side in an enjoyable and entertaining way. Just kidding.... Who'd watch crap like that? The 'empty head' crowd never leaves FOXNews, cuz they find all they want/need on their 'one-stop shopping' channel, where all their prejudices  and biases are confirmed, continually. Ahhh, Home Sweet Home, for the Repub crowd.

Interesting comment after the Rockies and Nationals baseball teams

got into a fist fight. 'You guys do realize you have BATS?'

There are different levels of 'rightwingnuts', and they overlap

From the Far Right nutjobs who get their news from FOX, to the 'certifiably insane' jerks(R) who listen to and believe Alex Jones, on his 'InfoWars'. Many of the sheep are BOTH. Alex Jones, one of the very first people that the Liar in Chief called after he was elected , thanking him for his support, makes some of the FOXNews 'reporters' seem almost credible, as he rails about 'news' like Hillary keeping 'child sex slaves' in a NYC pizza parlor. Harmless? NO. One of his nutjob listeners showed up with an AR-15 to 'free the children', and fired off a few rounds. Another of his 'revelations for the rightwingnutjobs' is that the Sandy Hook massacre is FAKE NEWS. Now the parents of those children killed have been getting death threats from the nutjobs(R) who believe crap like InfoWars and FOXNews. Harmless? Not a chance. No more 'harmless' than the 'church people' who swallow 'Jesus Loves Donald Trump',...

So, you think you have a bad flight story...

Southwest Airlines plane's engine explodes; passenger 'partially sucked out' of window WACU  reported a passenger was "partially sucked out" of one of the plane's windows when the engine exploded and shrapnel from the engine pierced through a window. 'There was blood everywhere', according to witnesses. Wow, gonna look at 'window seats' differently...

Oops, he did it again

Yup, Dotard delayed sanctions against Russia, and his buddy Putin AGAIN, cuz,,,,,, Who knows? Pee pee tape or other embarrassing info? He wants to show appreciation for being 'installed' as Russia's 'plant' in the US govt? Too busy watching FOXNews? All of the above? WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has delayed imposing additional sanctions on Russia and is unlikely to approve them unless Moscow carries out a new cyber attack or some other provocation, a senior administration official said on Monday.

Some endangered species aren't worth saving, like Manatee Hannity

I knew I'd seen that face and shape somewhere, but I still think Sean's face looks more like a thumb. Jim Carrey ✔