As I watch (recorded) Jeopardy, tonight, with a category on 'Religions',

it never ceases to amaze me, that every sect of Christianity, from Amish and Quakers, to Baptists and Mormons, and of course Catholics, the largest business in the world, BY FAR, all think (no, they KNOW) they are the 'one and only' true believers, and they(R) nearly all support the unholy, LYING 'Pussy Grabber', cuz that's what Jesus wants.
Much like the Sunnis and Shiites, and all the different Orthodox and Jewish sects, as they(R) defend 2000 year old myths and superstitions over SCIENCE. (6000 yr old earth, Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, Jonah etc) And you wonder where/how Pubs get recruits?

And they'll KILL you to prove their God is better than yours.
Amazing/unbelievable, but ask all the soldiers/civilians in the Middle East if it's true. The HOLY land, where God fights the Devil, and who is who, depends on who you ask, BUT, it sells bombs and bullets....
Just ask any US 'defense' contractor(R), but IGNORE the civilian casualties, like in Viet Nam and Iraq, that the Pubs LIED us into. 'Oops, no WMD's'.
OR, you could talk with the survivors in the Balkans, where the Catholics and Protestants got together and killed the Muslims, then, fought and killed each other, Ethnic Cleansing, after winning the 'War Against Islam'.
But, I' sure you(R) don't wanna hear the (millions of) stories, obviously, cuz yours is the God of Love, and He supports Repubs, and the Liar in Chief...
Sorry, (not really), but just can't take the hypocritical crap(R) any more, cuz I actually USE my brain...


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