Wow, I'm SHOCKED that Sean Hannity, FOXNews mouthpiece,

paid LIAR and perpetual Dotard defender, works with the same 'fixer' that the Liar in Chief depends upon. Who da thunk that the Bullshit Mountain paid LIAR also uses Michael Cohen, another PAID LIAR. COINCIDENCE?
I'm shocked that the Liar in Chief and the people who send the 'news' to the sheep, (and they swallow it), all use the same PAID LIAR.
Let's see what the Feds think.
Oh yeah, according to FOX(R), Rosenstein(R), Comey(R) and Mueller(R) are ALL LIARS (REALLY?) and the sheep believe the Liar in Chief, instead of them.
Nothing new here, as those of us with a brain LAUGH at the gullible sheep, who swallow Trump/FOX LIES.....
Tell me you watched the Comey interview and believe Dotard's version.
Is ANYONE that stupid/gullible? Oh yeah, the sheep, who put their brain 'on the shelf', in their local church, long ago.
Never mind...


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