Here's a 'factoid' for the sheep

who believe a literal Bible and a 6000 year old earth.
The only way the earth is even THAT old, is cuz the Good Book claims the generations from Adam to Jesus lived an AVERAGE of 600 years.
Yup, instead of today's average of 76 years, and the ancients known to live about half that, the Bible people lived 600 years.
No shit.
Look it up.
6000 year old earth and 600 hundred year old people.
This is where the Pubs get the voters that believe their crap.
Who da thunk you could FOOL these people, who vote straight Repub?
Thanks to Roger Ailes who realized, THEY VOTE, and there's no IQ test.
In caase you wonder HOW we got Dotard(R) as prez....


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