As we have major fires (two of top ten ever) burning in Colorado, at the BEGINNING of fire season,

cuz of Climate Change, which dumbass Pubs deny.
Other Pub policies, (Grover Norquist and Galagher(R)),  have fire fighters getting their budgets cut by over 10%, as conditions get worse, during unprecedented (since the Dust Bowl) drought.
Thank you, dogmatic jerks(R). IF ONLY those fires could be burning YOUR homes....
Yup, international readers, we are burning in Colorado, cuz of Climate Change, (global warming), which the Pubs deny, while Dotard guts the EPA (Pruitt) and kills wind/solar power in favor of Big Oil, (which is SOOO Repub), while he supports COAL, cuz his dumbass voters in the Rust Belt won't be educated or relocated.
Some things never change, (when the Pubs are in charge), and we ALL pay for it.
Esp as Colorado burns, in drought conditions, while firefighter budgets are cut, and climate change (97% of Climatologists agree) is DENIED by the 'head up their ass' Pubs.
IF ONLY their(R) houses could burn, there would be justice in our world, but don't hold your breath....
BTW, Colo ski areas had a % of their fees directed toward fire/water programs to protect them, BUT, the Pubs STOLE those fees for the general budget, (from a Dem state), leaving the forests/water in CO unprotected.
And you wonder WHY I hate the Pubs? Just one of hundreds of reasons.

Yup the same people who bring you 'Alex Jones, 'Infowars' (who preaches Sandy Hook is 'Fake News', and Donald Trump is 'God's answer' for America) also say climate change is 'Fake News'.
Same old shit from the double digit IQ crowd(R), who always votes Pub, cuz that's what Jesus wants....


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