Just in case anyone had forgotten,

what an unqualified, arrogant a-hole he is, the Liar in Chief reminded us all, last night, as he skipped the Correspondent's Dinner (celebrating the First Amendment), like last year, (the only president in modern history to do so), and attended a campaign style rally in MI, surrounded by his clueless, gullible cheering minions, where he rambled for over 80 minutes, tossing red meat talking points to the crowd who'd vote for Jeffry Dahmer if he had (R) after his name, and threatened to 'shut down the govt' if he didn't get funding for his wall, which he promised 'Mexico would pay for', on his LIE-filled campaign, as he took American politics to a depth never known outside a third world, dictator-run banana republic.

WASHINGTON, Michigan, April 28 (Reuters) - U.S.
President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to
shut down the federal government in September if
Congress did not provide more funding to build a
wall on the border with Mexico.
"We come up again on September 28th and if we
don't get border security we will have no choice,
we will close down the country because we need
border security."
Same old shit from the clown who will say/do
anything to change the focus from his scandals,
incl bimbos suing him and his lawyer and campaign
staff being under indictments. 


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