Was SOOO funny on Comedy Central last night,

after we found that Cohen's third client, who wanted to remain anonymous, Is Sean HA!nitty.
Yup, Trevor showed several clips of the conman/huckster preaching to the sheep about what a great man Cohen is and that it is TERRIBLE that the FBI is overstepping and 'What's HAPPENING to freedom in America, etc, while he knew HE was part of the news story.

No disclosure, no disclaimer, not even a casual mention that, ‘Oh yeah, this guy also represents me in some form or fashion,''
Hannity has been scathing in his criticism of the raid as well as special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election.
"What that means is that Mueller's witch-hunt investigation is now a runaway train that is clearly careening off the tracks," Hannity said of the raid.
Any reputable news agency would FIRE his fat, slimy ass, but not FOX, where LYING and subterfuge is just 'part of the game', and lying to the sheep is expected and encouraged.
Great cartoon this morning that I can't copy, showing the 'Pillars of FOX News' Two columns, labeled Aiels  and O'Reilly are smashed, in pieces on the ground, and HA!nitty's is falling.
The Cohen/Hannity story is a typical example of the quality of the 'news' shoveled to the gullible sheep as Sean, KNOWING he's a major part of the story of the president's 'Fixer', spins it to the clueless sheep.
And you wonder WHY they are so uninformed?


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