As we learn more about Trump's 'love child' story, from Dino Sajudin,

the Trump Tower doorman, Dotard's buddy, David Pecker, (really) who owns the Nat'l Enquirer, admitted to buying the story, (after obviously checking it out) then BURYING it, (as per his friend's wishes?), the same way he did with the Playboy bunny story. It's called 'Catch and Kill'.
BUT, we also found out that Nat Enq 'regular readers" were/are YUUUUGE Trump fans, SOO, he didn't want to offend his readers.
Really? Who da thunk Nat Enq  regular readers, who know all about alien abductions and where Elvis lives today, are YUUUUGE Dotard fans, just like the Faithful FOX Followers and the Bible Belt Believers.
WOW. who da thunk these brainiacs would swallow the Liar in Chief's crap?
I need to get me that list, and enroll them in my Magic Bean of the Month Club. Cash Only, in advance. Guaranteed to grow to the giant's castle in the clouds, where they can climb it, and steal his gold.
I'm gonna be rich....

And, here's the FOXNews headline, before Comey's book even comes out.
No shit! Actual lead headline. And you wonder WHY the sheep are so ignorant/uninformed?

Comey has written an anti-Trump novel that will be amazingly discredited


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