Remember when GW and The Dick(R) lied us into the Iraq War

and totally wrecked the US economy?
Yup, so do the teachers in Colorado, who now make LESS, than they did before the Pubs WRECKED our financial system, AND, cuz of Tabor Law, (a Pub program for the RICH) here in Colorado, they can't be paid until taxes are raised.
AND cuz of Grover Norquist (R-asshole), they can't get a 'raise', and have to work 3 jobs to survive, cuz, EDUCATION=DEMOCRAT, and the Pubs don't wanna pay teachers, for OBVIOUS reasons.
Bottom line, Pubs give BILLIONS in tax breaks to the one per cent, while sticking teachers with ZERO raises for over a decade.
And you wonder WHY I hate em?
Bottom line, if you are a millionaire, I totally understand why you vote Pub.
If you're NOT, then you are just a FOXNews sheep, who doesn't have a clue, as you vote against your own interests, cuz Bullshit Mountain touts the YUUUGE tax break that is NOTHING compared to the 1%'er give away. Nothing new here, as the clueless/gullible sheep support the worst LIAR in the history of the US, and underpay teachers to pay for a YUUUGE give away to the lobbyists clients.
If I gotta explain, you wouldn't understand.


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