Anyone remember ‘Clockwork Orange’ where Malcom McDowel was forced to watch the screen, with his eyes held open with broken toothpicks?

Well, that would be the PERFECT punishment for Dotard and his mindless minions.
Yup, as punishment for being SO gullible/STOOPID, you should have to watch last night’s Jimmy Kimmel.
A full, one hour salute to the dumbshit in the White House.
Just a SMALL part of the embarrassing, idiotic dumbass crap that he’s done, BUT enough to last for an hour of laughs.
Really, if you only see ONE Late Night show this year, this is the one
OK, I know the rightwingnuts don’t stay up that late, BUT, check it out on YouTube.
One hour of priceless Dotard moments. From, ‘I know words, I have the best words. I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius’, and all his greatest hits.
Check it out, you’ll LOVE it, as Jimmy celebrates ‘Intermission’, in Dotard’s four year disintegration of the ‘world as we know it’.
OMG, I’d pay a LOT, for some toothpicks and duct tape, for a couple of gullible rightwingnuts I’d LOVE to make see ‘the other side’, of FOXLies world.


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