Here it is again, for the gullible, clueless sheep who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, where they have conveniently FORGOTTEN who started this mess.

BUT, who needs facts when your sheep sheep mindlessly graze on Bullshit Mountain?

Americans have increasingly blamed Trump for the closure as the damage widens. In December, the president said he would be “proud to shut down the government for border security” and “take the mantle” if funding lapsed. On Tuesday, he pledged not to back down from his wall demand as Democrats flatly refuse to pass funding for the project.

HMMMM, as I pretend to be a clueless sheep, I wonder.....’What does it mean to be ‘proud to shut down the govt’ and what does ‘take the mantel’ even mean?
I wish Sean or Rush would explain it, but they’re too busy blaming the shutdown on the Dems....
‘Oh well, I what’s on the Cartoon Channel?’
And how can I find Alex Jones now that Facebook has barred him?


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