Of all the laughable, ignorant things the Pubs say, their claim that Comey and the FBI was out to get Trump, BEFORE THEY FOUND OUT HIS RUSSIAN BACKING is one of the worst.

Without Comey, and his Hillary E-mail Scandal, eleven days before the election we woldn’t even have the Orange Clown in the White House.
At the time the Pubs LOVED him and the Dems hated him, for good reason.
But now, the Liar in Chief and his henchmen have rewritten history and Comey and the FBI were mortal enemies of Dotard, and they ‘made up’ the Russian connections, though ALL US intel agrees and MANY of Dotard’s crew are in prison or doing plea deals, because of colluding with the Russians, then LYING about it.
The worst part? Now that the Russian Connection is beyond a doubt, (Just ask the senile dirt bag, Rudy Giuliani, who says he NEVER claimed the Trump campaign didn’t collude with Russia), is that
The YUUUGE majority of Pubs ‘don’t give a shit that Russian installed ‘their boy’, and they’re bitching at the FBI for pointing in out.
Seems impossible, right? But it’s TRUE.

Contemplating a threat from within

The FBI can’t neutralize a security threat if the president is the threat

The FBI, according to the New York Times, opened a counterintelligence investigation into whether President Donald Trump was secretly working on behalf of Russia after he fired former FBI director James Comey in 2017. As a former FBI agent who conducted investigations against foreign intelligence services, I know that the bureau would have had to possess strong evidence that Trump posed a national security threat to meet the threshold for opening such an investigation. But the more important question now is not how or why the case was opened, but whether it was ever closed.


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