If you were a terrorist, and there’s LOTS of em’ out there, could you think of a better time to BRIBE someone in the TSA or anywhere is the govt, incl Law Enforcement, who is’t getting paid?

How good is that pile of cash gonna look to someone who was ‘on the edge’ of financial stability, living paycheck to paycheck?
Think about it rightwingnuts, and don’t give me the crap about it being the Dems’ fault.
We all heard the Liar in Chief say he’d take credit for the shutdown and he’d ‘take the mantel’.
Like I said earlier, if the Dems had a collective brain they’d just buy TV time and run the clip over and over.
Yup, if I wanted to bring down the US, kill American citizens, what better opportunity than the one presented by the vain, arrogant, incompetent, Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR has given to ‘the bad guys’.
Think about rightwingnuts(R), if that worthless gray matter between your ears even functions any more.
What better time to spread some cash and get some ‘inside’ people, when there’s hundreds of thousands, in the TSA alone, who are struggling?
The Pubs worry about ‘terrorists’ crossing the southern border, when they open the ‘entire system’ to graft, bribes and corruption.
Thanks again, ‘gullible among us’.
Screw Dotard and the clueless sheep he rode in on.......


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