Here’s a ‘partial’ list of the people that the Liar in Chief has insulted since the Russian-backed, Pathological LIAR took office.

And this isn’t even counting all our ‘former’ allies and other leaders around the world.
You gullible, clueless sheep oughta be SO proud...

In fact, the only allegiance Trump has shown, besides to himself, is to a sliver of Americans that represent the minority, his base of about 30 percent, and the people he hopes can keep him in the White House as Special Counsel Robert Mueller approaches. 
No one else. 
In the past two years Trump has criticized, marginalized, and taken actions to hurt a long list of Americans including Latinos, African-Americans, veterans, children, women, journalists, Supreme Court justices, Democrats, some Republicans, Senators, Congressmen, media outlets, FBI agents, military leaders, generals, environmentalists, immigrants, NFL players, former presidents, government workers, farmers, middle class families, and many more.

Toss in his THOUSANDS of outright LIES, and you see the ‘presidential’ Orange Clown in our White House.

So who does that leave? A small group of people who will support Trump no matter what he says or does.
Can you say ‘willfully ignorant’?

He dismantles our government and threatens our national security. He jeopardizes our economy with tax cuts for the one percent that has exploded the deficit to over $779 billion, coupled with a spending spree, in just two years.
Trump started trade and tariff fights that makes food, goods, and services more expensive for most Americans, and I could go on and on.
BTW, this article is straight from FOXNews, where one of their ‘token Liberals’ was allowed to publish in their Opinion Section. HA, sighs of life among crap.....


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