Rudy ‘out-Giulianied’ himself, which is hard to do, when you have the track record of that jackass.

And even that was a LIE, cuz the paid, professional LIAR had claimed that ‘no one in the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
Now, he’s denying he said it, BUT, not denying there was collusion with Dotard’s campaign and the Russians. SOmething anyone with a functioning brain (FOXSheep obviously excluded) already knew.
Thanks, Rudy, you senile old fart.
Will this make any difference to the ‘head up their ass crowd’ who support the Liar in Chief, NO MATTER WHAT?
Of course not.....

“I never said there was no collusion between the campaign. Or between people in the campaign,” Giuliani told Cuomo.

AND, file it under, ‘WTF’? FOX has a headline today, asking the burning question.
‘Does The FBI Have The Right To Investigate Trump?’

And you wonder WHY their readers are so ignorant?


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