I wonder if the Orange Clown can read a graph?

Someone oughta show him an X Y Axis, plotted with his ‘number of LIES per day, (see Donald,where this arrow is going UP) which started out at six and has gone steadily upward, as he spews crap that only the most gullible of his sheep (LOTS of them ‘out there) would believe.
On the same graph should be his popularity ratings, starting on the day he shut down the govt, (of which he’d be PROUD to take the credit), until today. (see Donald, it’s going DOWN)
Remember when he said that, rightwingnuts?
The Liar in Chief would see one part of the graph in a steep steady climb (LIES), and other line being steadily DOWN. (Approval)
Hmmm, I wonder why??????
Maybe cuz only the most clueless of his gullible sheep can put up with his crap?

I’d love a mailing list of his hard core supporters, so I could sell them bridges, swampland and magic beans. AS IF someone that STOOPID has any money.
Never mind...


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