As I listen to the Liar in Chief ramble on, saying the US is the ‘laughing stock’of the world, when it’s HIM, as he drones on and on, like he won....

BUT, he’s opening the govt WITHOUT HIS BULLSHIT WALL.

His speech was a half minute of news, he lost, and the rest a bunch of bull crap.

Dotard claims his wall, like Israel’s, will be 99.9% effective.

He’s rambling on like his wall will STOP all drug trafficking, human trafficking and the opioid crisis in the US.
The dumbshit is acting like he won and now he’s giving the SOTU that he was denied.
‘We have NO CHOICE, but to build a powerful WALL to protect our country’ blah, blah blah....

He’s blabbing like he WON the shutdown and he’s gonna get his wall. WRONG!
He’s finally folding cuz airports are shutting down and his Pub henchmen are yelling him cuz they may miss a flight and the entire country will turn against him, even the ‘head up their ass crowd’ if the airlines shut down.

BTW, my first post of the day said the shutdown is over, now that the airports are shutting down and the pols aight miss a flight home or to vacation. Easy call, and right on. You’re welcome.

Trump Caves To Democrats, Agrees To Reopen Government Short-Term Without Border Wall

The announcement comes on the 35th day of the partial government shutdown.


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