It’s one thing for Dotard to deny Pelosi military planes for the trip to visit the soldiers, but it’s something WAY WORSE to ‘leak’ the fact they were gonna fly commercial, putting all their lives at risk.

BUT, that’s how the Pub’s roll. Remember when Joe Wilson, GHW Bush appointed ‘nuclear expert’ in the Middle East said (correctly) that there was NO WAY that Saddam had the ‘yellow cake uranium’ that GW and The Dick claimed he had.
The Pubs threatened to ‘out’ Wilson’s wife, a CIA agent, (think about it), if Joe didn’t back down.
He didn’t and they did, out her that is, sentencing dozens, or hundreds of CIA informants and contacts to capture, torture and death.
Yup, they ratted out their own CIA agent cuz her husband told the truth.
BUT, the a-holes(R) ‘got their war’, based on LIES, and killed hundreds of thousands, spent trillions, filled the VA hospitals in the US and started the greates refugee crisis since WWII across Europe and the world.
Like I said, that’s how they(R) roll. Cheat and LIE and f**k the consequences, with FOXLies covering their ass for the clueless, gullible sheep.
Some things never change.....


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