Rudy the Senile Jokester, after saying ‘truth isn’t truth’, now claims he NEVER said Dotard’s campaign didn’t collude with the Commies. No wonder the Liar in Chief is glad to have the govt shutdown, to ‘change the subject’ of his own crimes.

In ‘normal times’, something we haven’t had since the Russians put ‘their boy’, in the White House, it would be YUUUUGE news if/when the prez’s lawyer said, ‘I never said the President’s Campaign Committee didn’t collude with the Russians.’
Seems like there may be a ‘smocking gun’ (Dotard’s spelling) after all.

Think about it!

BUT, Dotard has done SO much shit, incl ‘being proud to shut down the govt’, with continual LIES about everything, that ‘campaign collusion with the Russians’ just falls in with all the other crap from him and his crooked henchmen(R).

Do his clueless, gullible minions give a shit?
Not a bit. The a-hole has (R) after his name and that’s all that matters with the clueless crowd.
Nothing new here......


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