The Liar in Chief stood in front of the world and blamed the shutdown, which he said he’d be PROUD TO CLAIM, was the fault of the Dems. Then he said he was willing to negotiate, AS LONG AS HE GOT ALL $5.7 BILLION HE WAS DEMANDING.

He earlier ‘blew off’ the bi-partisan deal to keep the govt open when his ‘butt buddies’ at FOXLies made fun of him, and threw a tantrum to kiss up to the Propaganda Network that got him elected.

It’s just like the little brat we’ve all seen at the grocery store, throwing a fit, til the mother caves and buys the candy.
Then she wonders ‘why is he doing that again?’
Cuz he got his way the first time, dumbass.

Not a good precedent and I’m hoping Nancy tells Dotard to sit on his thumb and spin, until he opens the govt.
Give him this one and we’ll just see more. It’s the only tactic, other than LYING and BANKRUPTCY that the incompetent, Russian-backed Pussy Grabber knows, and he shouldn’t be rewarded.
Screw him and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.


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