The cracks are showing, and it’s just a matter of time, til more Pubs ‘wake up’ and realize they have to put the country before Dotard’s politics, Sen Cory Garner, (R), CO, is breaking from the pack(R), and Sens Collins and Murkowski aren’t fr behind.

Hopefully, more of them will realize that someday they will have to answer to history and their grandchildren when they ask, ‘WTF were doing, on Donald Trump’s side, as he wrecked our country?’ Why didn’t you see, sooner, that the Russian-backed,  LYING , NYC conman was totally incompetent?’
Yup, the day’s coming and it’s gonna be fun to watch the rightwingnuts hem and haw, stammering and stuttering as they have ‘No Excuse’, except for, ‘But that’s what Sean and Rush TOLD us to do’, and their grandchildren scowl, laugh and walk away....


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