Just when you think the pathetic, incompetent a-hole CAN’T get any worse, he never fails....

Why wreck just one country when you can wreck the whole world’s economy?
But, the Russian-backed Pussy Grabber gets to keep seeing his ugly face on the ‘news’, SOOO
Mission Accomplished, like GW on the aircraft carrier, before our country TOTALLY TANKED.
Thanks again Pubs, and the clueless, gullible sheep(R) who put ‘em there.

US cancels trade planning meeting with China, source says

  • The White House has rejected a trade planning meeting with China this week due to outstanding disagreements..
  • Should Beijing and Washington fail to agree on a permanent solution by March 1, President Donald Trump has said he will reinforce punitive tariffs.
  • The market immediately began to drop.


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