I’m still claiming that Bill Viconos, who led the NFL officiating crew is a rightwingnut Repub.

He has ALL the characteristics..
He can look at all the facts, and ignore them. The replay shows it, (like the ‘real’ news), but those ‘in charge’ deny reality.
NO WAY he’s not a Repub stooge.
Wanna bet?
An old white fart, who can see the same thing we all see, incl the ‘perpetrator’ (who admits it was Pass Interference), and ignore reality, in the face of video that PROVES he’s ‘full o’ shit’.
Really, the crew who ‘blew it’ still denies what we ALL know.
C’mon, admit you screwed up!
Sorta like the FOX crew and the sheep who swallow the crap about Trump.
We all see it, but they’re gonna ignore it.
Never mind, if I gotta explain it, you won’t understand. Sorta like reality.....
Bill Viconos(R).
Wanna bet?


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