As Dotard’s people fight to hide his taxes, (hmmm, I wonder why?), and they fight to hide his inauguration donors and how the money was spent, for OBVIOUS reasons, we now find that over 60% of the Liar in Chief’s time is Executve time, in other words watching FOX ‘news’, golfing and Tweeting.

The Newt tried to compare him to Churchill, cuz Winston used to take naps. HA!
Churchill fought Nazis, Dotard claims they are ‘fine people’.
Churchill served, as a soldier, Capt Bonespurs hid from the war.
Churchill wrote more books than the Orange Clown has read.
And the main difference?
Churchill was Winston CHURCHILL. Trump is a vain, arrogant, incompetent, petty, NYC conman, Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, Pathological LIAR.
Nice try, Newty....


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