This just in, after Dotard’s ‘physical’.

As the Orange Clown was bent over the table, the doctor found something during the rectal exam.
Yup, he found Sean Hannity.......

Just saw Chris Christie(R) (who I really like, though not always agreeing with), and Chris said he realized Trump was gonna win after the ‘Christian’ reaction to the Pussy Grabbing thing, and then  there was the John McCain fiasco, where Dotard crapped all over McCain, the war hero, and the HYOCRITE Repubs didn’t give a shit, (my words, his thoughts).
So true, there’s NO HYPOCRITE, like a REPUB HYPOCRITE, after Capt Bonespurs dissed a true hero, and the idiots(R) still kissed his ass.

And you wonder WHY I hate the jerks(R)?


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