At least the Liar in Chief is consistent, yahoo.....

Yup, Dotard says he believes Putin, over ALL US Intel, that Russia didn’t interfere in the US election, that put the LIAR in the White House, like he believed Putin, over US intel, that N Korea missiles couldn’t reach the US.
Like he believed the Saudi Prince, over US intel, that he didn’t have the US journalist killed (Dotard cheered when he heard it), and now he believes another two bit dictator, (his role model) that Kim had no idea that the US prisoner had been tortured. The same dictator that put over 100,000 of his own people in work camps, where they are tortured and starved. Dotard’s obviously jealous of his power, like Putin’s and the Saudi royal family, who don’t have to answer to their people.
Yup, Dotard consistently takes the foreign dictator’s word over US intel.
Screw him and the gullible sheep he rode in on.....


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