As the noose gets tighter, with SO MANY of his his henchmen indict d and/or flipping, the Liar in Chief whines, ‘The Repubs never did this to Obama’. Bullshit! They CONTINUALLY harassed and investigated him, coming up empty.

Republicans in Congress launched 8 separate investigations into Benghazi between 2012 and 2016, repeatedly finding no wrongdoing,” journalist Ashton Pittman noted on Twitter. “Before that, they investigated the Obama admin for ‘Fast and Furious’ and over allegations the IRS targeted Tea Party orgs. All fruitless.”

And then there was Dotard’s continuous Presidential Harrassment with his ‘birther’ bullshit. ‘You won’t believe what my investigators in Hawaii have found....’

Right, we don’t believe ANYTHING from you, you Pathological LIAR!


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