The Holy Grail of advertisers is the ‘young, intelligent money earning/spending audience’, obviously.

Also, just as obvious, is the fact that ALL the late night, and other comedy shows (plus John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, Seth Myers, SNL, James Carden, etc) are ALL Liberal, as in hating Dotard and making fun of him ,while the Conservative answer is propaganda from Rush and Sean, and their audience of OLD white men.
That tell you ANYTHING rightwingnuts, as everyone with a brain, and earning power, is LAUGHING at you?
Didn’t think so, cuz thinking ain’t your strong point, OBVIOUSLY, as you back a Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR, who NOBODY would loan money to, SOO, he went to the Russians, according to both of his ‘boys’. Look it up, rightwingnuts.
C’mon, gullible minions, show me where I’m wrong, you fact-denying, FOX-Swallowing Sheep.


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