Bullshit Mountain is FAMOUS for shoveling crap to the sheep. Pure, unadulterated, rightwingnut red meat for the sheep to swallow.

Once in a while, someone who ‘speaks truth to power’ sneaks through their filters and gets to lay some truth on them.
This happened on the. Tucker Carlson show, as he interviewed someone who called Tucker an ‘elite’ cuz he was a millionaire who worked for billionaires. SOOO true, but it pissed off ‘little pouty boy’, who likes to think of himself as a legitimate journalist. HA! What a joke...

CARLSON: But I am talking about these issues.
BREGMAN: But only now, come on, you jumped the bandwagon. You’re like, “Oh, I’m against the globalist elite, blah blah blah.” It’s not very convincing, to be honest.
CARLSON: I want to say to you — why don’t you go fuck yourself, you tiny brain — and I hope this gets picked up because you’re a moron, I tried to give you a hearing but you were too fucking annoying …

BREGMAN: You can’t handle the criticism, can you?


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