For obvious reasons you won’t see it on FOX, but the ‘real’ news covered Mike Pence at the MSC, Munich Security Conference, as he brought ‘greetings from the 45th President of the United States.....

Absolute silence, with scowls, from the European leaders gathered for the conference.
BUT, after a diatribe AGAINST the Liar in Chief, Angela Merkel got a standing ovation.
Duh, who da thunk, as Dotard has become a pariah on the world stage, for good and obvious reasons.
His moronic, FOXFed minions won’t ever see the world’s reaction to the Pathologial LIAR they blindly follow, but the rest of us do, all around the world and the 2/3 of us in the US who can’t stand the Russian-backed, arrogan Pussy Grabber(R).
C;mon Mueller, get off your ass and stop diddling around with all his LYING, Russian-meeting henchmen and go after the King Rat.
The world is waiting.........


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