The clowns at FOX/PARP are bitchin’ cuz the left-wing site doesn’t feature the Jussie Smollet story, (although ALL the major main stream media DOES headline it)

That’s why I don’t even read MSNBC cuz they represent the far left, JUST LIKE FOX represents the the far right. Bullshit Mountain CONTINUALLY avoids major news that doesn’t fit in with their party line or embarrasses the prez, which is ALL THE TIME.
The difference between me and the rightwingnuts? I avoid the obviously Lib site, while the sheep WALLOW in the crap put out by FOX.
I wouldn’t thinks about getting my news from one place, let alone a biased source, but the sheep do it, ALL THE TIME.
Nothing more obvious, EVER, as the crew at Bullshit Mountain bitches about someone occasionally doing what they do ALL THE TIME.

BTW, when will FOX tell the sheep about the old, white Coast Guard fart who had a YUUUGE arsenal and a HIT LIST against Libs incl Congressmen and the media? I’m guessing NEVER....
Check out REAL news, not Bullshit Mountain, if you wanna read about the shooter that got caught, right before he started shooting Libs, following Dotard’s party line.

Same old crap from FOX/PARP, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party. Pure bullshit........


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