As much as I hate the incompetent, Russian-backed a-hole in the White House, I gotta thank him for one thing. He’s driving away all but the hard-core base Repub base, who’d support a National Puppy Torture Day, if their masters at FOX told them to.

The results of the 2018 midterm elections suggest that Republicans have some soul-searching to do, as they continue to lose the precious ‘young voters’.
They lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections and suffered battering losses in the House in 2018. Republican strategists must grapple with how to keep their party viable nationally, and our data suggests that Trumpism may hurt them in the future as they continue to lose the college-educated voters, as well as women and minorities.

Republican House candidates performed worse among 18- to 39-year-olds than they have in decades. The voters Mr. Trump and his party lost in 2016 and 2018 represent the future of American politics. If the Republican Party becomes the party of the past — that is, of aging white men with less education — it will make winning elections increasingly difficult.


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