We all know (even the gullible sheep), that the Saudis (15 0f 19) were behind 9-11, NOT Iraq that GW and The Dick attacked, based on LIES....

SOOOO, what did the Trumpies try to do for our enemies?
Yup, Dotard and his henchmen are trying to give them (the Arabs who attacked us) NUKES!
Yup, as if all he’s done to wreck us from within, the Russian backed a-hole wants to give NUKES to our second worst enemy, after being elected with help from our WORST enemy, (ever wonder WHY, rightwingnuts)?
OMG!!!’Can you imagine if Obama had done anything CLOSE to this?
BUT, he’s a Pub, SOOO, No Problem...
You can’t make up HYPOCRISY like this....
Trump Officials Pushed Saudi Nuclear Sales
The effort flies in the face of objections from national security and ethics officials.
What will it take for the ‘head up their ass’ crowd to admit that Dotard is an unmitigated disaster? A nuclear mushroom cloud?


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