VERY interesting story developing between Dotard’s buddy, David Pecker (dickheads stick together) and Dotard’s enemy, Jeff Bezos, whom the Orange Clown loves to call Jeff Bozo, cuz of Bezos’ ownership of the Washington Post, which exposes many of LIES and foibles of the Liar in Chief.

Seems SOMEBODY got hold of Bezos’ private texts and e-mails and the clowns at the Nat’l Enquuirer, the other source of ‘news’, along with FOXLies, for the double digit IQ crowd that gave us President Trump (gag, puke) and were using them to blackmail Mr Bezos.
Well, as the richest man in the US, Jeff hired the best investigators money could buy and VOILA!, it seems that a govt agency is probably involved in the theft/blackmail.
US or Russia?
Doesn’t matter WHICH of Dotard’s crew is involved, it looks like ANOTHER investigation of the vain, arrogant, incompetent, Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, Pathological LIAR has begun.
When I think of HOW MANY of the above mentioned double digit IQ crowd got their info from the National Enquirer headlines that Peckerhead launched for Dotard, while buying  and burying the dirt on the sleazy NYC conman, it makes me sick.
Among Peckerhead, Comey, Putin and FOXLies it’s obvious how the election got SO close that 180,000 idiots, spread over three states, overruled the three MILLION people who voted against the LYING, FOX/Russian backed Orange Clown.

In other news, a killer/rapist was identified, and caught, because of his distinctive tattoos.
A Swastika and a ‘Family Values’ tat.
The exact crowd that Dotard defended after the deaths at Charleston.

And, there’s something definitely WRONG when it takes 2/3 of Congress to approve a treaty, and ONE ass-hole (guess who?) can remove us from that treaty.

C’mon, Mueller, get off your ass and get those indictments rolling....


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