Dotard Jr got an education on Socialism after his idiotic Tweets, but what do you expect from DJTJ?

Disclaimer, which shouldn’t be necessary, but there are some real idiots ‘out there’.

I am in NO WAY a Socialist, or subscribe to it in any way, vs Capitalism, for the US.

Too bad other ‘Socialism bashers’, who are clueless about the socialist policies they love, incl Soc, Sec, Medicare, all kinds of govt agencies that build infrastructure and protect us as citizens (although Dotard is on the side of Big Oil, Big Banks, Big EVERYTHING, at the expense of ‘the people’) won’t read the HUUUGE number of Tweets and memes directed at Dotard Jr has rec’d, cuz they get their ‘news’ from the Professional LIARS at FOX. Where socialism is a dirty word. Cuz they gotta keep the ignorant, clueless sheep continually ‘riled and skeered’ with the EMERGENCY at the border, cuz all immigrants are MS 13 rapists and killers and all non-Pubs are Far Left Ocasio-Cortez clones. Where Venezuela is the perfect example of Socialism, but Norway and Sweden don’t exist, according their Masters at FOXLies.

What a bunch of  ignorant, FOXSwallowing, clueless idiots.
But it WORKS, for the All Dems BAD—-All Pubs GOOD crowd that live in their fact-resistant bunkers, living on a steady diet of Rush, Sean and Alex Jones, so it’s damn sure not gonna change....

A sample of DJTJ getting ‘schooled’ after his ‘Socialism’ Tweet.

I'd remind you that public education and libraries (along w/fire & police) are technically examples of socialism, but you didn't go to public school & wouldn't enter a library unless there was an endangered animal to kill within.


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