Concerning the outrageous TSA (created by the Bushies, partially for security, but mainly to enrich a few) lines, did you know that the agency had the money, $12.4 billion, paid for by passenger fees, to expand and grow the agency, BUT, the House(R) re-directed that money to the general fund, to finance their pet, pork barrel projects? Think of that, next time you're in a 2 hour line. The Pubs, mostly The Donald, are trotting out the same old line, 'They're gonna take your guns!'. It is SO insanely stupid, but it WORKS, for the low-information rednecks who love their guns and hate the Dems, Yup, the jack-booted forces (who will it be?) are gonna confiscate your weapons cache, outlaw Christmas and force you to pee next to a trans-gender. Talk about firing up the double digit IQ crowd! Whatever it takes, to get the sheeple to vote Repub.... There's also a story about how 'heartless' Hillary is, for 'taking the jobs' from the coal miners, who basi...